Live Lesson – Defining a DMRL from a Legacy Manual
DMRL from a Legacy Manual – Did you miss our TD-iQ Live Lesson? In this lesson we took a legacy paper-based manual from 1954 and applied the processes we have developed here at TDW to define an S1000D SNS structure, decide on the sensible break-down of the manual, define a DMRL and apply DMCs and ICNs to that manual. Don’t worry if you missed this first part, we recorded it and it is now available to TD-iQ subscribers via your TD-iQ dashboard.

We looked at the tools we use as well as looking at some of the challenges that you may want to consider along your journey from old to new!
“Don’t get modular diarrhoea – I have seen many projects over do the modularisation of content only to lead to end user dissatisfaction with the end product – make sure it is sensible”

Next TD-iQ LIVE Lesson – 22nd May
“A stage further let’s make some data modules from the legacy manual” – now we have the DMRL defined and we know what the module breakdown of the manual looks like, how do we make S1000D Data Modules from this content? We will be LIVE on TD-iQ 22nd May showing you how we move to the next phase.
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