The TDW Show – Episode #1 – Welcome to the all-new TDW show, an idea and format we have been working on for some time and finally we after weeks of technical challenges and aligning all of our ducks. It’s ready!
In the first TDW Show Episode #1, I speak with Berry Braster from Etteplan, and we discuss everything Simplified Technical English, Industry 4.0 and the plans Etteplan have for the future. We have a shortened version of the interview in the episode, and the full version is available in the TDW app, iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify.

Following on with an STE theme, our close friend and STE expert, Ciaran Dodd begins a journey of A2Z of STE, not starting where we might think and kicks off looking at the technicalities of the STE specification.
At TDW, we use a tremendous amount of software, mainstream and domain-specific. In this first episode, we look at the four primary editors that we use at TDW. We look at Adobe FrameMaker and Adobe Indesign, Microsoft Word and our favourite XML editor Altova XMLSpy. We look at what we like, dislike and the primary purpose of the tools at TDW.
When we deliver our world-class S1000D training courses, we always receive great questions that then become the subject of our tutorials and articles. One of the latest questions we had was on the possibilities of cross-contamination of S1000D and if there is a risk of using data in an S1000D publication accidentally from an unrelated platform or project. The answer may not be as obvious as we may think, and Mike explains why looking at the theory and reality of those using S1000D.
We end our first episode with a unique feature from Portsmouth (UK). In this feature, Mike looks at two of the latest platforms that are in the harbour and why he got excited about seeing them up close and personal.
Please enjoy this episode and let us know if you like the format and style. If you would like to get involved, ask a question or make suggestions, please do send them into us at TDW.
Make sure you share, like and follow TDW on all our channels and receive immediate notifications of what is coming up in the next show and when the full show is released.
For more from TDW – download the Tech Data World app to see the next episode before it goes to YouTube, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram. Links are all over these pages.
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